Our Bylaws

Bylaws for The Bills Backers of Virginia Beach

1. The purpose of this document rules and guidelines for any and all future endeavors of the recognized charter or fan club hereby known as “The Bills Backers of Virginia Beach” or (The B.B.V.B.) of the NFL team known as The Buffalo Bills, its organization and all entities involving this team.

2. The purpose of this club is to provide an opportunity for its members to enjoy a place to watch The Buffalo Bills NFL football games in an area with like-minded individuals while bringing the benefit of more business to the owner of the sponsoring establishment and raise funds for various established charities the membership endorses.

3. Dues: Membership dues are $10.00 per individual member or $20.00 for a family membership per calendar year. The membership year begins during the annual B.B.V.B. summer picnic and continues through the year until the next years summer picnic which date is set during recognized members meetings. (Membership is open to anyone interested and they may join at anytime) but the annual picnic will be the completion of the year, and the start of the new membership calendar year.
Membership may be terminated if any member cannot or will not respect the rights of The B.B.V.B. or the owner of the establishment to provide a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for all.

4.The guidelines for all income generated by this club will be primarily for the purpose of Legitimate Charitable Organizations to be determined by the membership during membership meetings, but being mindful that funds also needs to be allocated for the operation of the club, this amount shall be determined by the members at the monthly meetings and shall not exceed a percentage set forth by the membership.
(Currently set at 49%with a minimum of 51% to charities.)

5. A “Membership Meeting’ shall be held on the first Saturday of each month of the Off Season, (Dates to be set at the first off season meeting to be held on the first Saturday of the month following the Super Bowl) to prepare the schedule of the next seasons events and allocate funds raised for various charities.
Any current member of The B.B.V.B. can attend and participate and meetings and vote on any and all business involving The B.B.V.B.
If during the season, events warrant a meeting, it shall be held before the start of the game that day and all members present shall be allowed to vote. (In the event of a tie, The senior officer present will cast the tie breaking vote.)

6. Elections shall be held for all officer positions of The B.B.V.B.
Position shall be for The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Master at Arms.
Them duties of each position are as follows,
The President: Will be the main Liaison between The B.B.V.B. and the owner of the hosting establishment and oversee the general operation of all club functions and events.

The Vice President: Will assume these duties in the absence of The President.

Treasure: Will keep all financial records of the club and collect all funds generated by the club.
Secretary: Will serve as the scribe during all meetings.

Membership: In charge of signing up members and maintaining the membership list and help run all club raffles.
Master at Arms: In charge of the general order of club activities and meetings and help organize the cleanup of all club events.

7. All elected officer positions are for a term of 3 years and are Non-Paid positions.
All individuals applying for an elected position of The B.B.V.B. must be a member in good standing.

8. All members of The B.B.V.B. are encouraged to promote The B.B.V.B. and its activities and enjoy themselves at all club events but must remember that we are a guest of the owners may be young children present and are requested to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes the benefits of membership in The Bills Backers of Virginia Beach.

9. Pending any unforeseen actions (Loss or Sale of Business) The Bills Backers of Virginia Beach and the owner of the hosting establishment shall agree to notify each other (At least one full season in advance) of any request of termination of the relationships between The B.B.V.B. and the hosting establishment.
(If the B.B.V.B. for whatever reason ceases to exist or folds as a club, all items on display in the B.B.V.B. room will be returned to the individuals that provided them to the club.
All real property of The B.B.V.B. shall be sold and all proceeds will be donated to charity selected by the remaining members prior to canceling the organization.

10. These Bylaws are not to be considered to be all encompassing and can be amended as needed by a majority vote of all members present at a membership meeting.